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INTERFACE_OPTION enumeration contains a number of values corresponding to each button or control that can appear in Print2HTML5 document interface. These values can be combined with OR bitwise operator to obtain a value corresponding to several controls.

INTERFACE_OPTION enumeration values are as follows:

Name Hex value Decimal value Meaning
INTLOGO 00000001 1 Print2HTML5 logo
INTDRAG 00000002 2 Drag button
INTSELTEXT 00000004 4 Select Text button
INTZOOMSLIDER 00000008 8 Zoom slider
INTZOOMBOX 00000010 16 Zoom box
INTFITWIDTH 00000020 32 Fit Width button
INTFITPAGE 00000040 64 Fit Page button
INTPREVPAGE 00000080 128 Previous Page button
INTGOTOPAGE 00000100 256 Go to Page box
INTNEXTPAGE 00000200 512 Next Page button
INTROTATE 00001000 4096 Rotate button
INTPRINT 00002000 8192 Print button
INTPRINTAUTO 00402000 4202496 Hide Print button if it can be detected that the browser does not properly support printing. Otherwise, show the button
INTNEWWIND 00004000 16384 Open in New Window button
INTHELP 00008000 32768 Help button
INTFULLSCREEN 00300000 3145728 Always show Full Screen button
INTFULLSCREENAUTO 00100000 1048576 Hide Full Screen button if it can be detected that the browser does not support or allowed to use full screen mode. Otherwise, show Full Screen button

Print and Full Screen buttons may have two modes: they can be always displayed on the toolbar in all documents or they may be displayed automatically only when the browsers has support for these functions. These options represent the functionality of Print Button and Full Screen Button controls in the Interface tab of Document Options window. Only one flag must be present when constructing INTERFACE_OPTION enumeration value: either INTFULLSCREEN  or INTFULLSCREENAUTO flag, or either INTPRINT or INTPRINTAUTO flag but not both.