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Initial Document Settings

You can specify a few initial settings for Print2HTML5 documents without using Print2HTML5 Document API. Supported initial settings are listed in the following table:

Name Description
INITIAL_VIEW Initial zoom level. Can be any value accepted by setCurrentZoom Document API function. The default value is "width". 
INITIAL_PAGE Initial page to display (numeric value). This setting is ignored if a valid bookmark is specified in the INITIAL_BOOKMARK setting as well. The default value is 1.
INITIAL_ROTATE Initial page rotation. It can be either 0, 90, 180 or 270. The default value is 0.
INITIAL_BOOKMARK Initial bookmark to scroll the document to. You may pass any valid bookmark name. This setting, if specified, supersedes INITIAL_PAGE setting. See Hyperlinks for more information.

Using initial settings for HTML5 documents

You may pass initial settings to HTML5 documents in the document viewer URL. The URL syntax is:


The meanings of various URL parts are as follows:

  • DocURL -  the URL of the document to load;

  • InitParams - initial parameters list represented as a usual URL parameters list like this:


  • InitBookmark - the bookmark to scroll the document to.

Examples of document viewer URLs:

URL without initial parameters:

URL with a bookmark parameter:

URL with initial parameters:

URL with initial parameters and a bookmark parameter: