Help Contents
Each TOOLBARIMAGE enumeration value corresponds to a separate toolbar image that can be customized. Possible values are as follows:Name | Decimal value | Meaning |
IMGLOGO | 1 | Document logo |
IMGDRAG | 2 | Drag button |
IMGSELTEXT | 3 | Select Text button |
IMGZOOMRULER | 4 | Zoom slider rule |
IMGZOOMFOCUSNADLE | 5 | Focused zoom slider handle |
IMGZOOMNADLE | 6 | Zoom slider handle |
IMGFITWIDTH | 7 | Fit Width button |
IMGFITPAGE | 8 | Fit Page button |
IMGPREVPAGE | 9 | Previous Page button |
IMGNEXTPAGE | 10 | Next Page button |
IMGROTATE | 12 | Rotate button |
IMGPRINT | 13 | Print button |
IMGNEWWIND | 14 | Open in New Window button |
IMGHELP | 15 | Help button |
IMGTOOLBARBGR | 17 | Toolbar background image |
IMGFULLSCREEN | 20 | Full Screen button |
IMGEXITFULLSCREEN | 21 | Exit Full Screen button |