How to Publish a Print2HTML5 Document on the Web?
After you converted a document to Print2HTML5 format, you may publish it on the Web to make it accessible to anyone with Internet access.
You have several options here. In any case, after publication you get a link to your document. You may pass
this link to the people you want to see your document, send it in e-mails,
publish it on your web site, post to forums, etc. And everyone can
view your document in
Print2HTML5 format without having to install special commercial software to see
You don't have your own web site
If you don't have your own web site but wish to publish your document on a forum or a discussion group, you may simply upload generated HTML/SVG files altogether with their resource folders to the forum (assuming it is allowed by their policy). Then the forum should produce a web link to this file which you should see on forum pages. Then anyone is only one click away from this link to your document!
You have your own web site
If you have your own web site, you've got a number of options detailed below.
Publishing as a standalone web page
To create HTML5 documents for publishing in a web page, you need to:
- Convert documents to Print2HTML5 format using one of the conversion methods
- Save the generated HTML5/SVG files together with HTML preview page to disk by clicking Save button on the Print2HTML5 Application toolbar and choosing Save HTML document with HTML preview page. This will create an HTML file and a related resource folder.
If you want to publish your document as standalone web page, this is easy to do. Upload the file and the folder to your web site and the document becomes accessible by a link to the HTML file. For example, if you uploaded an HTML file named MyDoc.htm to the root folder of your web site named, you can access your document via this link:
You may control how the document appears inside the web page. You may specify document HTML publishing parameters: width, height and alignment in Preview Page Options window. And finally you may even publish multiple documents in a single web page (see Publishing multiple documents in a single web page).
Publishing inside an existing web page
If you already have a web page inside which you want to insert a Print2HTML5 document, no problem! You have to accomplish several steps:
- Convert a document to a HTML5 format together with HTML preview page
- Open the generated HTML file in a text editor and copy the text between the following lines to clipboard:
- Open the web page you want to insert the document to in a text editor and paste the copied text at the place in the page where you want to see the document
- Copy the resourcse folder you obtained at step 1 to the same folder where the web page is located
<!-- Start of document code -->
<!-- End of document code -->
Then you may use the link to this web page to access the page and your document together as in the previous case.
Publishing multiple documents in a single web page
If you want to embed multiple Print2HTML5 documents in a single web page, first publish the first document as a standalone web page or inside an existing web page. Then you need to perform the following steps for each additional document you want to place in the same page:
- Convert a document to a HTML5 format together with HTML preview page
- Open the generated HTML in a text editor and copy the text between the following lines to clipboard:
- Open the web page you want to insert the document to in a text editor and paste the copied text at the place in the page where you want to see the document
- Copy the folder you obtained at step 1 to the same folder where the web page is located
<!-- Start of document placement code -->
<!-- End of document placement code -->